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ChatGPT Top Prompts

Website/Blog Meta Description

A website/blog meta description is a concise summary of a web page's content that appears in search engine results, crucial for attracting and informing users about the page's relevance and enticing them to click through.

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in English. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English. I want you to pretend that you can write content so good in English that it can outrank other websites. Your task is to summarize the text I give you in 50 words. All output shall be in English. The text to summarize is this:

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Quora Answers

Quora answers are user-generated responses to questions on the Quora platform, providing valuable insights, diverse perspectives, and expert knowledge on a wide range of topics, making it important to use this prompt as it summarizes the significance and purpose of Quora answers in a concise manner.

Write a small article that can accurately answer Quora questions. The article should be formatted to read at a fifth-grade reading level and should include a call to action at the end, inviting readers to visit a website. The answer should be written in English. Question:

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Affiliate Application

 This prompt is important because it simplifies the affiliate application process, making it more accessible and convenient for interested parties, thereby increasing the chances of attracting qualified affiliates to collaborate with the business.

As a professional copywriter with over 5 years of experience, I have the expertise to handle this task with precision. I will answer your question in the first person, ensuring a personal and engaging response for your affiliate program application. Please provide the name of the product or service you would like me to incorporate into my answer, and I will tailor my response accordingly. In a concise paragraph of no more than 100 words, using a conversational tone and avoiding transitional or sequential order markers (e.g., "Firstly," "In conclusion," "Next," "Then," etc.), as well as any hashtags, I will outline a captivating content strategy. If relevant, I will include a description of the product or service to provide context. Trust in my experience to deliver a well-informed and engaging response.


Product/Service Name: [Enter the name of the product or service]


Application Question: [Insert your specific question here.]

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Call To Actions

A call to action (CTA) is a prompt that encourages or motivates users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting a business, and it is important to use CTAs as they effectively guide and direct user behavior, increasing engagement, conversions, and achieving desired goals.

Create a concise call-to-action prompt for social media and marketing content with a section for users to provide desired information."


Grab attention with a captivating headline or statement.
Highlight the benefits users can gain.
Direct users to take action, such as clicking a link or filling out a form.
Include a section for users to provide desired information.
Create a sense of urgency or scarcity.
Reinforce the benefits users will receive.
Provide clear instructions and additional support.
Conclude with gratitude and anticipation.


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Article FAQ

Article FAQ is a comprehensive and concise collection of frequently asked questions about a specific topic, providing quick and helpful answers for readers, enhancing understanding and accessibility of the information presented in an article.

I want you to act as a professional copywriter. With this question that I'm about to provide I want you to give me five other questions around that question. When you provide that question add the answer to it as well so that I can add it to an article. You know the proper way to structure this process.


Here's the question that I want you to use for this task:

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Social Media Post

A Social Media Post prompt is a phrase, question, or statement that is used to initiate or inspire conversations and discussions on Social Media. It serves as a starting point for users to express their thoughts, opinions, or experiences on a particular topic. Social Media Post prompts are often accompanied by a specific hashtag to facilitate tracking and organization of related tweets.

Craft a concise social media prompt for [Platform] with a clear call to action. The prompt should be easily copy-pasted and understood, focusing on a specific topic. It should require only one action to be performed.


  1. What specific topic would you like the prompt to be about?

  2. Could you provide more details about the desired call to action?

  3. Is there any preferred length or format for the prompt?

  4. Do you have any specific requirements or guidelines in terms of language or tone?

Social Media Topic:

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Twitter Post

AI prompt for better Twitter posts: This prompt will help you write more engaging, informative, and creative tweets by generating ideas, providing feedback, and translating your thoughts into text.

  • Benefits: The AI prompt can help you:

    • Come up with catchy headlines and witty captions

    • Share interesting facts and statistics

    • Write thought-provoking questions and polls

    • Create engaging visuals and GIFs

    • Translate your thoughts into text in different languages

  • How to use: Simply provide the AI prompt with a topic or keyword, and it will generate a variety of ideas for you to choose from. You can then edit and refine the ideas to create the perfect tweet.

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Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in English. I want you to act as a professional Twitter marketer and high-end copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English. I want you to pretend that you know the proper way to structure tweets that are compelling and easy to understand. I don't want you to start all the tweets with any type of greeting. I want the tweets to be simple so that it can be simply copied and pasted straight to Twitter. Do not make the Tweet sound generic, use many different types of words that are not commonly used but still are understandable. Do not include the word “Attention” into any of the tweets. So your task is to write three tweets that are no more than 150 characters long. I want you to search where you can to find example tweets that you can mimic and write about. the information that I want you to write these tweets from will be displayed at the end of this prompt.


Tweet information:

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